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How Does Acupuncture Work?

Daily stresses, poor diet, inconsistent exercise, trauma, accidents and age can weaken the immune system leaving you prone to aches and pains. Acupuncture improves circulation and removes blockages to the areas experiencing discomfort or insufficient functioning.

There is a strong link between chronic stress and health problems, indicating the need to recognize and manage stress more effectively.

  • stainless steel needles
  • micro-current stimulation

Treatable disorders

  • respiratory
  • eye, ear, nose, throat
  • gastro-intestinal
  • neurological
  • musculo-skeletal
  • emotional
  • gynecological


  • addiction control
  • athletic performance
  • blood pressure
  • chronic fatigue
  • immune system toning
  • stress reduction

How Does Acupuncture Really Work?

Very basically, acupuncture is a holistic medicine that considers the body imbalances that lead to dysfunction.  We bring balance to the flow of circulation (consisting of energy, blood and bodyfuids).  Once balance is restored – healing can take place.

According to Chinese philosophy, the body contains two opposing forces: yin and yang. When these opposing forces are in balance, the body is healthy. Energy, called “qi” (pronounced “chee”), flows like rivers along these pathways, or meridians, throughout the body.  However, the flow of energy can sometimes be blocked, like water getting stuck behind a dam. A disruption in the flow of energy can lead to illness, tight muscles, dysfunction in organs and tissues.

Approximately 2,000 different acupuncture points lie along the body’s meridians. Acupuncture stimulates these points with needles, pressure or micro-current (Needle less) to relieve the blockage in the flow of energy, enabling the body to heal.

In the Western view, acupuncture likely works by stimulating the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord) to release chemicals called neurotransmitters and hormones. These chemicals dull pain, boost the immune system and regulate various body functions.

Electro-acupuncture sends an electrical current through the needles to stimulate pressure points during acupuncture.

Cupping places heated jars or cups over the skin. Suction pulls the skin into the cups, creating a vacuum-like effect that stimulates the acupuncture points.  This technique also releases the facia layers which can improve circulation, reduce tension and bring balance to tissues of the body.  Two methods incorporated are:  Stationary cupping and sliding cupping – moving the cups to treat a larger area.


Research has shown that acupuncture increases the micro-circulation and vasomotion throughout the body which in turn increases oxygenation of the tissues which will help flush toxins, waste products, and other accumulated particles and chemicals from the tissues improving their overall function. Therefore, the small electrical currents generated by the insertion of a needle into the fascia or connective tissues can indeed have beneficial effects. And because of the nature of the connective tissues, it is quite plausible that these effects could occur both locally at the site of needle insertion or at a distance from the acu-point.

According to one scientific study on pain relief induced by acupuncture it was concluded that acupuncture works by stimulating nerve fibers in the muscles, which send impulses to the spinal cord, brain and hypothalamus-pituitary. These centers in turn release endorphins which block the pain impulses.

While it cannot be said that an exact mechanism, or a precise Western description of acupuncture function has been discovered, it can be said that many phenomena can play a part in such a definitive description.  Western science is beginning to accept that needling of a specific point does direct a stimulus to certain responsive parts of the nervous system setting off a biochemical cascade which enhances healing. Many of the ideas in the classical Chinese texts may be justified by Western theories and methods.